"We're small, but we're growing" - Sam

Monday, December 18, 2006

The SG Show #45 - Hello Mary

It's the mistake show. Can you catch all the mistakes?

(Hint: This isn't show 50)

Our holiday Podcast! Something to warm you up during the cold nights of winter. Or cool you off if you're in the Southern Hemisphere. We say hello to some of our listeners from around the world, and share some stories about what's been happening in our lives. Also, another S sits down in front of the microphone and sings us all her favorite song.

And ... what's the worst mistake YOU have made? Post them in the comments section, below.


Blogger Daniel said...

Hi Steve and Sam! I haven't listened to the show yet, but I wanted to share one of the biggest mistakes I've made.

When I was in high school, I rode my Dad's bike to an electronics store to browse some of the stuff inside. The bike had a lock on it, but I didn't lock the bike up. When I came outside about an hour later, the bike had been stolen. My Dad was really upset with me, and I think I would have been upset with me, too.

2:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey.. peruvian guy here.. and.. Peru is in Brazil?!! ouch! hahahahaha... Great show!! Conrgats, once again :)

8:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest mistake I ever made was not dating Tammy Anderson when I had the chance! Oh, to go back in time and be young again!

1:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Sam&Steve!

I'm Nikolay. I'm writting this message from the very heart of Russia -- Moscow. I think, you'll be astonished very much to learn that your postcasts are being listened to so far away. But I study the English language and your podcasts are very useful for me helping me to improve my listening ability as well as to learn more of California and the US culture and people in general. Thank you guys! Greetings from Russia!

5:42 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


8:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Steve and Sam! How are you? Your listeners all over the world are missing you a lot!

10:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greetings from Peru... Where are you guys?!!! I miss your shows to practice my English :o(

4:33 PM  
Anonymous Sam said...

If anyone is looking at this, Im sam. this is my second favorite show on the site. Bye!

3:43 PM  

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