"We're small, but we're growing" - Sam

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

The SG Show #22 - Thanks and Thanksgiving

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We're trying to figure out who's listening to our show. Please take a moment and fill out this brief survey.

The holidays are here. Buy a couple of Larry Zarella CDs for yourself and your friends!

We're thankful for all the people who took the time to write us or call our listener comment line. Here are links to the Podcasters who left us messages:

Journey Inside My Mind Podcast by Dan Johnson (and Keisha)

6620 West Kidcast from Utah!

Chris Christensen's Amateur Traveler Podcast

And Sam's friend Maya recommends The Deltora Quest books by Emily Rodda

Also on this week's show:

Nicolle Chirino on 15 Megs of Fame sings Perfectly Perfect.

Sites where we researched the answers to the quiz questions:

Read more about the history of chewing gum

More about The Statue of Liberty

Is Pluto a planet? What do you think?

Monday, November 21, 2005

The SG Show #21 - The Everything Show

Download this episode of the show.
We started out to make a simple little show about the Harry Potter movie and ask and answer a few quiz questions. Somehow, we ended up talking about the bioethics of cloning, Sam's future career prospects and his latest report card.

Sam and Steve were interviewed by Rob from Podcast 411. Check it out! Click to listen to our interview on podCast411

Here's some more information about things we talked about today:

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie
How do cows make milk?
Do dogs taste their food, or merely smell it?
How did the alphabet get started?

Looking for great holiday gifts?

Check out Larry Zarella's music (let him know you listen to the SG Show if you buy one of his CDs)
And 3 Blind Mice are also the best band you may not have ever heard of.

We're trying to figure out exactly who's listening to our show. Please take a moment and fill out this brief survey.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The SG Show #20 - Podcasts and Punishment

Download this episode of the show.

Steve just got back from the Podcast Expo in Southern California and talks about the other Podcasters he met and some of the things he learned.

Sam discusses some new books he read.

And...how do you punish a seven-year-old so they learn from their mistakes?

We're trying to figure out exactly who's listening to our show. Please take a moment and fill out this brief survey.

Here are some links to things discussed in the show:

This week, we receive a very nice voice mail from musician and Zogonian Lizard called Lyndon. Check out 3 Blind Mice, possibly the greatest band you haven't yet heard of.

Interested in finding other family friendly Podcasts?
Try the Podcast Pickle.

All you'd need to know about M&Ms.

And after you've had your fill of M&Ms, better check out this Wikipedia article on dental cavities.

Do you know the REAL story of Thanksgiving?

(To those of you from abroad, Thanksgiving is an American holiday celebrating a feast supposedly commemorating the survival of the pilgrims during the harsh early years in the New World.)

Monday, November 07, 2005

The SG Show #19 - The Post Halloween Show

Download this episode of the show.

So we just had our 10,000th download of The SG Show. Wow!! Thanks for listening!

Take a quick survey.

Here are some links to things discussed in the show:

Google Moon (zoom all the way in to see what the Moon is "made of.")
More on the Olympics
The Galileo Project for more on Galileo Galilei